About this site

This site is designed to be a one stop source for information and resource listings from various official organizations, as well as pertinent Twitter hashtag feeds. The curator of this site is not an official meteorologist, nor do we purport to be. Information is curated from federal, state and local government agencies, as well as the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center.

The site is also created as a Progressive Web App, or PWA. A PWA gives you the fell and functionality of a native app, without the hassles of having to download and install an app on your device. A PWA also allows you to add it tn your laptop or Chromebook, and maintain the same functionality as your mobile device.

We hope you will find this site and it’s contents useful in preparing for storms, and helpful during and in the aftermath.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, click here to contact us.

Thanks for following the weather with us