Louisiana Severe Weather Resources
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Louisiana Severe Weather Resources
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US National Weather Service New Orleans Louisiana
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Local Resources
Weather and Radar – LA
Weather/Radar/Tracking sites
Local Sites added as situation warrants
Local Emergency Scanners – LA
Police/Emergency Scanners
(Local sites added as situation warrants)
Local Media – LA
List of Local TV & Radio stations and newspapers
State Emergency Management Sites – LA
State Emergency Management Sites
Louisiana Emergency Management
Contact Info
Main Phone: (225) 925-7500
Fax: (225) 925-7501
7667 Independence Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Look up Parish Emergency Management Info
Parish | Director | Voice | Fax | Social | Website |
Acadia | Ashley LeBlanc email: acadiaohsep@appj.org | (337) 783-4357 | http://appj.org/DEPTem.html | ||
Allen | John Richer email: eltonfire@centurytel.net | (337) 639-4326 | http://allenparishso.org/ | ||
Ascension | Rachael Wilkinson email: rwilkinson@apgov.us | (225) 621-8360 | (225) 644-3039 | http://ascensionparish.net/ | |
Assumption | John Boudreaux email: johnboudreaux@assumptionoep.com | (985) 369-7386 | http://www.assumptionla.com/153/Office-of-Emergency-Preparedness | ||
Avoyelles | Joey Frank email: aohsep@avoypj.org | (318) 240-9160 | (318) 240-9162 | ||
Beauregard | Scott Greenmun email: bpso434@yahoo.com | (337) 460-5447 | (337) 396-8642 | http://beauparish.org/ | |
Bienville | Rodney Warren email: rwarren@bienvilleparish.org | (318) 263-2019 | (318) 263-7404 | http://bienvilleparish.org/ | |
Bossier | Ian Snellgrove email: isnellgrove@bohsep.org | (318) 425-5352 | http://www.bossierparishla.gov/index.aspx | ||
Caddo | Robert Jump email: Robert.Jump@caddosheriff.org | (318) 675-2255 | (318) 675-2268 | http://caddosheriff.org/ | |
Calcasieu | Richard "Dick" Gremillion email: dgremillion@cppj.net | (337) 721-3800 | (337) 437-3583 | http://cppj.net/ | |
Caldwell | Dale Powell email: caldwellohsep@bellsouth.net | (318) 649-3764 | (318) 649-3765 | ||
Cameron | Danny Lavergne email: oep@cameronpj.org | (337) 775-7048 | (337) 775-7043 | http://www.parishofcameron.net/ | |
Catahoula | Ellis Boothe email: catahoulaohsep@att.net | (318) 744-5697 | (318) 744-5205 | ||
Claiborne | Dennis Butcher email: claiborne.oep@claiborneparish.org | (318) 927-9118 | (318) 927-2115 | http://claiborneparish.org/ | |
Concordia | Jimmie Wilkinson email: oep@conppj.org | (318) 336-7151 EXT 12 | http://www.conppj.org/ | ||
DeSoto | Jayson Richardson - Interim Sheriff / Parish OHSEP Director email: sheriff@dpso.org Todd Edwards, OHSEP Administrator email: oep@dpso.org | (318) 872-3956 (318) 872-1877 | (318) 872-2304 | http://www.dpso.org/ | |
East Baton Rouge | Clay Rives email: crives@brgov.com | (225) 389-2100 | (225) 389-2114 | https://www.brla.gov/412/Mayors-Office-of-Homeland-Sec-Emergency- | |
East Carroll | Kendall Thompson email: ecpjoep@bayou.com | (318) 559-2256 | (318) 559-1502 | ||
East Feliciana | Joseph Moreau email: efeoc@outlook.com | (225) 719-1962 (225) 244-5881 | (225) 683-1478 | ||
Evangeline | Liz Hill email: vangy911@epcd911.org | (337) 363-3267 | (337) 363-3308 | http://evangelineparishpolicejury.com/ | |
Franklin | Mitch Reynolds email: mitchreynolds@franklinsheriff.net | (318) 341-3739 | (318) 341-3740 | ||
Grant | Cade Fletcher email: fletcher@grantso.org | (318) 627-3261 | (318) 627-5927 | http://www.grantso.org/ | |
Iberia | Prescott Marshall email: pmarshall@iberiagov.net | (337) 369-4427 | (337) 369-9956 | http://iberiaparishgovernment.com/ | |
Iberville | Clint Moore email: cmoore@ibervilleparish.com | (225) 687-5140 | (225) 687-5146 | http://ibervilleparish.com/ | |
Jackson | Mark Treadway email: OEP@jppj.org | (318) 259-5028 | http://jacksonparishpolicejury.org/ | ||
Jefferson | Joseph Valiente email: jvaliente@jeffparish.net | (504) 349-5360 | (504) 227-1315 | http://jeffparish.net/ | |
Jefferson Davis | Ivy Woods email: Sheriff@jdpso.org | (337) 824-3850 | (337) 821-2105 | http://www.jeffdavis.org/ | |
Lafayette | Craig Stansbury email: eoc@lafayettela.gov | (337) 291-5075 | (337) 291-5080 | http://lafayetteohsep.org/ | |
Lafourche | Chris Boudreaux email: BoudreauxCL@lafourchegov.org | (985) 537-7603 | http://lafourchegov.org/ | ||
LaSalle | Dana Chapman email: dchapman@lasalleso.com | (318) 992-0673 | (318) 992-8919 | ||
Lincoln | Kip Franklin email: kfranklin@lincolnparish.org | (318) 251-6454 | (318) 513-6209 | ||
Livingston | Mark Harrell email: lohsep1@lpgov.com | (225) 686-3066 | (225) 686-7280 | http://www.livingstonparishla.gov/ | |
Madison | Cynthia Arender Machen email: madisonparish911@bellsouth.net | (318) 341-1697 | (318) 574-8786 | ||
Morehouse | James Mardis email: jmardis@mpso.net | (318) 239-8062 | (318) 281-1773 | http://mpso.net/ | |
Natchitoches | Mary Jones email: mjones@npsheriff.net | (318) 238-7720 | (318) 357-2208 | http://npsheriff.org/ | |
Orleans | Collin Arnold email: cmarnold@nola.gov | (504) 658-8700 | (504) 658-8729 | http://www.nola.gov/ready/ | |
Ouachita | Neal Brown email: anbrown@ohsep.net | (318) 322-2641 | (318) 322-7356 | http://oppj.org/ | |
Plaquemines | Patrick Harvey email: pharvey@ppgov.net | (504) 297-2477 | (504) 297-5635 | http://plaqueminesparish.com/ | |
Pointe Coupee | Mark Ward email: mward@pcparish.org | (225) 638-9556 | (225) 694-5408 | http://www.pcpso.org/ | |
Rapides | Sonya Wiley-Gremillion email: swiley@rapides911.org; rapides911oep@suddenlinkmail.com | (318) 445-5141 | (318) 445-5605 | http://rppj.com/ | |
Red River | Shane Hubbard email: redriver.ohsep@gmail.com | (318) 932-8502 | (318) 932-8502 | http://redriverready.com/ | |
Richland | Dawn Williams email: dwilliams@richlandso.org | (318) 728-2063 | (318) 728-3851 | ||
Sabine | David Davis email: spoep@cp-tel.net | (318) 256-2675 | (318) 256-9652 | http://sabineparishpolicejury.com/ | |
St. Bernard | John Rahaim email: jrahaim@sbpg.net | (504) 278-4268 | http://www.sbpg.net/ | ||
St. Charles | Joe Ganote email: Jganote@stcharlesgov.net; communications@scpeoc.org | (985) 783-5050 | (985) 783-6375 | http://stcharlesparish-la.gov/ | |
St. Helena | Michael Martin, Sr. email: mmartin@sthelenaparish.la.gov | (225) 222-3544 | (225) 222-3696 | http://sthelenaparish.la.gov/ | |
St. James | Eric Deroche email: eric.deroche@stjamesla.com | (225) 562-2346 | (225) 562-2269 | http://www.stjamesla.com/ | |
St. John the Baptist | Travis Perrilloux email: Travis.Perrilloux@stjohn-la.gov | (985) 652-2222 | (985) 652-2183 | http://www.sjbparish.com/ | |
St. Landry | Van Reed email: vreed@stlandrypg.org | (337) 351-2467 | (337) 948-1281 | http://stlandryparish.org/ | |
St. Martin | Terry Guidry email: teguidry@stmartinsheriff.org | (337) 394-2812 | (337) 332-0492 | http://www.stmartinohsep.org/ | |
St. Mary | David Naquin email: dnaquin@stmaryparishla.gov | (337) 828-4100 ext. 135 | (337) 230-0374 | http://stmaryohsep.org/ | |
St. Tammany | Clarence Powe email: cpowe@stpgov.org | (985) 898-2359 | (985) 898-3030 | http://stpgov.org/ | |
Tangipahoa | Dawson Primes email: dawson.primes@tangipahoa.org | (985) 748-3211 | (985) 748-7050 | http://www.tangisafe.com/ | |
Tensas | William "Rick" Foster email: tensasoep@gmail.com | (318) 766-3992 | (318) 766-4391 | ||
Terrebonne | Earl J. Eues email: eeues@tpcg.org | (985) 873-6357 | (985) 850-4643 | http://tpcg.org/ | |
Union | Greg Gossler email: upohsep@gmail.com | (318) 558-1586 | http://unionsheriff.com/ | ||
Vermilion | Rebecca Broussard email: vpoep@yahoo.com | (337) 898-4308 | (337) 898-4309 | http://vppj.org/ | |
Vernon | Kenneth Moore email: kmoore@vernonso.org | (337) 238-0815 | (337) 238-9025 | http://vernonso.org/ | |
Washington | Barbara Jo Breland email: bjbreland@wpgov.org | (985) 839-0434 | (985) 839-0435 | http://www.washingtonparishalerts.org/ | |
Webster | Brian Williams email: Webster.ohsep@gmail.com | (318) 371-1128 | (318) 371-1788 | http://www.websterparishla.org/index.html | |
West Baton Rouge | Deano Moran email: deano.moran@wbrcouncil.org | (225) 346-1577 | (225) 346-0284 | http://wbrcouncil.org/ | |
West Carroll | Myrtle Green email: directorwcpoep@yahoo.com | (318) 428-8020 | (318) 428-8025 | ||
West Feliciana | Brian Spillman email: bspillman@wfpso.org | (225) 635-6996 | (225) 635-6996 | http://www.wfpso.org/ | |
Winn | Cranford Jordan, Sheriff/OEP email: sheriff@winnsheriff.org | (318) 628-4611 | (318) 727-3112 | http://winnparish.org/ |
Louisiana Department of Transportation