L.A.’s quake mystery: 2024 brings the most seismic activity in decades. Why now?

The ground beneath Southern California has been particularly unsteady as of late, with the region experiencing more moderate-sized earthquakes this year than it has in decades. Tap below to read more from Yahoo News.

Hurricane Milton from start to finish: What made this storm stand out

Hurricane Milton had a quick, intense life over the past few days as it roared across the Gulf of Mexico and slammed into Florida late Wednesday. Born out of a typically uninspiring cluster of thunderstorms late last week in the…

Age of Tropicana Field roof played role in Hurricane Milton damage, stadium engineer says

In the days before Hurricane Milton, top officials at one of the firms that built Tropicana Field grew “concerned” that the stadium’s roofing might not hold up against the historic winds forecasted for the Tampa Bay area. Tap below to…

Where is La Niña? Why the climate troublemaker is making a late arrival for 2024

The long-promised La Niña climate pattern hasn’t yet formed, but is still expected to within the next month or so, federal scientists announced Thursday. Specifically, the Climate Prediction Center said there is a 60% chance that La Niña conditions will emerge by the end…

Aurora Alert: Severe geomagnetic storm could spark Northern Lights surge tonight

A recent coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun arrived at Earth just before lunchtime today, sparking severe G4-level geomagnetic storm conditions. This sets the stage for what could be a powerful surge in Northern Lights activity tonight over a…